News From the Ladies of PPCC - 7/28/23


This past Wednesday we had a beautiful evening for golf.  We had 24 players and played a scramble format paying only gross.

Winning Teams as follows:

First Place ($10 each, total of $40 for team)

Laura Sarault, Jancie Garrow, Kristen Schaeffer with a.........................................37

Second Place ($9 each, total of for team $36)

Charlotte Tuttle, Ann Stein, Harriet Parot, Cheryl LeBlanc with a...........................38

Third Place ($8 each, total of $32 for team)

Winnie Denis, Maggie Rafter, Pat Cuddy, Linda Lambert........................................32

Next Wednesday, Ladies Night will be a two-person team alternate shot format, Please sign up as a team.  If you do not have someone specific you wish to play with, please sign up as a single and we will match with another player.


The weekend Tournament format for this coming Friday - Sunday will be Middle Nine - score the middle 9 holes (holes 6 - 14), 50% handicap, pays gross and net.

Play has begun for Seniors, Legends and Super Seniors and will continue thru the end of the day on August 20th.

Application deadline for Club Championship is Wednesday, August 16th.  Qualifying will take place beginning August 19th and run thru August 26th.

Until next week, Hit them long and straight!!

Gina, Pat and Linda